Page 2 Photo Gallery

Mostly after Nashville stuff ... for more recent photos click here.

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Mug, 1996.

Jole's 2nd Christmas, Mary, Jole, Lee, and the four Yorks: Beowoulf, Sporny, Beau, and Scampi.

A "Jack Attack." The Christy office, attacked by Precious, Jax, Lucy, and Abby.

Onboard Rascal, our Cal 2-29.

How could anyone be as cool as you, Shelby?

Jole, Faith and Shelby with the presidents looking on.

Dad at Midge's funeral. And he gave me shit about long hair when I was 21?

Dad's night out with three beautiful ladies.

Lee & Carol got engaged.

The girls with Kiah the dog at the yellow house.

A portrait of Beowulf.

Jole decides to color her hair. Was Daddy pissed?

Faith and Jole with Dad on a road trip. Lee Vining, CA.

The Christy House, backside.

Lee & Carol's relationship goes to the birds.

A wedding photo, Lee & Mary. This was at Circus Circus in Las Vegas. Always the clown.

Jole and Lauren swim Tahoe. Burrr.

The Rector kids and the Nutter Kids. Chase is missing.

Leslie, my girlfriend from Vancouver.

Chase (left) Nutter and Jole, circa 1990.

The Christy house.

Lee & Carol in Alaska, scoping each other out for the umpteenth time.

Lee having lunch with Dad at Tahoe.

Faith and Dad on a one-on-one trip to Florida.

Jole swims Tahoe.

Shelby in my office in Reno with her buddy Sammy.

Fath takes a picture of herself.

Faith takes a picture of Dad.

The three on Sonny at the yellow house.

The three with Kiah the dog at the yellow house.

When I had four girls. Shelby, Lauren, Jole, Faith.

A birthday at the Christy house.

Pushing software on the road.

Faith and Shelby on Rascal.

Daddy loves his "Baby Face." (Faithy)

Shelby with Patches.

Faith and Shelby at Urantia Conference in Colorado.

Lee cruising Newport Harbor.

Scampi, about midlife in Florida.

Abby in her first year.


Dad at the Tampa house.

Carol & Lee at Urantia Conference, 1996.

Mom and her sister Odelle.

When I took Faith to Disneyworld.

Lauren and Jole with Kiah the dog and Patches.

A Christmasie Faith at the Christy hosue.

Rainbow across the street from Christy house.

Dad and Faith go boating.

Old flame, Marti with her son.

Faithy the duck.

Jole does her hair.

Aunt Odelle and cousin Catherine (Tull) Dickerson.

Jole at 7 monts walks her little legs off.

Odelle (seated) and Mom at Christy house.

Faith at Disney World.

Christmas at the yellow house, girls give Dad a present.

Jole takes a picture of Granny in Tampa.

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